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How Much is a British Citizenship Application Fee?

22 April 2021 Written by Support Category: Immigration Services

 If you're thinking about applying for British citizenship, it's important to know as much about the process as possible. The more you know about it, the better you will be able to prepare and give yourself the best possible chance of a successful application. Of course, one of the most important things to know is how much it costs, so, what are the British citizenship application fees you need to know?



How much is a British citizenship fee?

Here is a brief overview of the most common costs, accurate at the time of writing, associated with British citizenship:

  • Naturalisation (including an £80 citizenship fee) - £1,330
  • Naturalisation of citizens from British overseas territory - £1,000
  • Nationality British adult citizen registration (inclusive of £80 citizenship ceremony fee) - £1,206
  • Nationality British child citizen registration (£80 fee if child becomes adult during the process) - £1,012
  • Citizenship ceremony arrangement (including pledge at ceremony and citizenship oath admin) - £80
  • Citizenship oath or pledge, or where the oath/pledge is not overseen by a Justice of the Peace - £5
  • Nationality registration for adult British overseas territory citizens, overseas citizens, subjects, or protected persons - £901
  • Nationality registration for child British overseas territory citizens, overseas citizens, subjects, or protected persons - £810
  • Renunciation of former nationality - £372
  • Certificate of Entitlement, sometimes known as Right of Abode - £372
  • Review of nationality - £372
  • Letter confirming status - £250
  • Letter of non-acquisition - £250
  • Nationality correction on certificate - £250
  • Supply of certified notice, certificate, order or declaration copy - £250

Other fees you might need to pay

The above are the most likely fees you'll encounter, but as a part of your application, you may be required to pay other charges by the Home Office. These can include the following:

  • Biometric information (fingerprints and photo) for naturalisation applicants - £19.20
  • Sitting an approved language test for proof of English language requirement - up to £150
  • Sitting the Life in the UK test, the fee is repayable for every resit required - £50

There are also other non-specific costs to consider, such as the translation of certified documents. If your existing documents, such as your birth/marriage certificate or your degree aren't in English or in Welsh, they will have to be translated. This cost can vary. Many applicants choose to retain the services of an experienced and professional immigration lawyer to manage the application on their behalf. Fees can vary depending on the specific legal team that is chosen, the extent of their services, and the length of the application process.

How long will the process take?

It varies for every applicant. Currently, there are also COVID-19 restrictions and delays to consider. Generally speaking, citizenship applications take around six months to complete. This is only a guide, however, and it could easily take less or more time.

Can you fast track the process for a fee?

No. There is no "premium" path through the citizenship process. There are certain UK visa and settlement applications that offer a premium fast-track option where you can pay to get your application handled faster. You cannot do this with the citizenship process.

When is the citizenship fee paid?

Your citizenship fee is payable at the point you submit your application. If you don't pay the fee, your application will not be considered, and you may be subject to a £25 administration fee.

Is the fee refundable or transferrable?

No, the British citizenship fee is neither refundable nor transferable. Your fee will stand whether the application is accepted, rejected, or withdrawn by you. As such, it's highly important for you to make sure the application is fully completed with all the required information and any supporting documents necessary.

Improving your chances of a successful application

To minimise the risk of your application being rejected, be sure you can display the following things:

The good character requirement

This applies to all applicants aged ten years or over. Sadly there is no clear definition of what constitutes "good character", and an increasing number of applications are being rejected on these grounds. Some issues which can be considered include any criminal past, history of financial insolvency and debt and previous immigration record. Your caseworker will ultimately be using their discretion, so your best bet is to be totally honest about your past.

The residency requirement There are two basic parts to the residency requirement. The first is that you must have lived in the UK for over five years unless you're the spouse of a British citizen or settled UK person, in which case, it's three years. The second is that you must not have been out of the UK for over 450 days within that five year period, or 270 days of the three year period. You must also not have spent more than 90 days overseas in twelve months prior to your application. In some cases, you may be able to argue a compelling reason for an extended absence, but this is unlikely and will require considerable supporting evidence.

Knowledge of English language and UK life

You must be able to speak and understand the English language to a certain level. You must also be able to pass a citizenship test that will include elements of British life, history, and culture. Aside from certain exemptions, understanding of the English language is proven either by a degree researched or taught in English, or by taking a B1 level listening and speaking test that will be provided at an approved IELTS test centre.

Getting the right immigration advice

If you're thinking of making a British citizenship application, it's important to consider the services of a specialist legal team, which you'll find at Paul John and Co. The right legal professionals will be able to thoroughly explain the citizenship process to you and help you gather the information you require as a part of your application, before submitting your application on your behalf. This can make the process easier and much faster. Considering the citizenship fees are non-refundable if your application is rejected, the help of a qualified immigration solicitor can be invaluable in helping give you the best possible chance of a successful application.

Immigration: Experts

We have extensive experience in successfully helping businesses and individuals apply for a wide range of UK visas. When you work with us, you will receive clear, practical and reliable advice to help you achieve your immigration goals.

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